Cash In On Clicks With 5 Email Tips

How many emails did you get today? Most likely over 150 new emails invaded your inbox, so another email is not really cause for a parade or gala celebration. And it’s not just you. Nearly everyone on the internet receives this much email every single day.


With such a deluge of messages flooding every inbox, why is someone going to open, read, and respond to the one you send them?


Chances are they won’t and that’s why your email marketing campaigns may be suffering from an anemic “open” rate and an even worse “click through” rate.


If no one looks at your message, it’s not going to move anyone to take action. If your email does not grab attention, you are probably just wasting your time and money sending it out.


But what if you could amp up your “open” rate and supercharge your “click throughs”? That means more eyes on your message and a far greater chance of results you can be proud of.


Ordinary, dull, confusing, and mediocre emails deliver mediocre or poor results.


Cheer up. You can make your emails jump off the screen and command attention. In fact, here are 5 Killer Email Tips that grab your audience and inspire them to respond. Before you ever push send again, make sure your emails contain these 5 techniques.


  1. Deliver A Killer Subject Line!

Your subject line is the NUMBER ONE most important determinant to your email’s success. It must literally jump off the email screen and command attention. If your subject line does not intrigue or compel the reader to open it, whatever it is you say in the body of your email is wasted.


You can have the best product in the world with an absolutely incredible offer; however, if you cannot get someone to open your email, you lose!


Think of creating pure “Click Bait” and you will ignite the inbox.  


You must write something exciting that relates to the product or information you are selling. Don’t be afraid to shock or startle! In order to cut through the clutter of most people’s overstuffed inbox, it must stand out.


I could do an entire special report on creating killer subject lines that get opens, but for this overview, I will just hit three of the major subject line strategies.


Writing great subject lines falls into several broad categories that generate immediate interest. Here are three good strategies.


·       Make An Outrageous Promise - Make a promise that is almost too good to believe and then prove you can deliver in the body of the email. “Lose 20 Lbs. In Two Weeks.” “Earn Ten Thousand Dollars In Just 30 Minutes” “Do This Today. Retire Wealthy Tomorrow!” All represent subject lines that make an outrageous promise and intrigue readers who will “want to know” how to get that promise.


·       Ask An Intriguing Question. “What One Thing Do Women Find Irresistible In Ordinary Guys?” “Want To Fire Your Boss One Month From Now?” “How Do You Lose 50 Lbs. In 5 Days & Eat What You Love?” These questions appeal to many people and highlight something that they strongly desire and dream about.


·       Make It Urgent. Set The Clock! No one wants to miss out on a great opportunity, so the more urgent you can make your subject line, the more opens you’ll get. “Two Hour Flash Sale-80% Off While Supplies Last.” “Save 50% Until Midnight!”



2. Focus! Make One Point!!

Do not ask your email to do too many things at one time. If you manage to get someone to open it, they will most likely give it 5 to 10 seconds of their attention. Keep it simple. Make one point. Solve one problem. Do one thing right and your profits will grow. Try to do two or three things, and you quickly get deleted. Focus on the most important benefit of what you are going to do for them and drive it home. Then let them know it’s simply a click away.


3. Check Spelling & Grammar.

The fastest way to get deleted is to misspell words or write using poor grammar. Poor spelling and bad sentence structure immediately gives your emails the look that someone unfamiliar with the language is writing. That triggers the Fraud Alert and your email is discarded as junk. It does not matter what your message is, if it is not presented with proper spelling and sentence structure it will be dismissed.  Take the extra time to proofread your emails. That time will payoff in the end.


4. Use Active Voice

When lawyers and academics write they fill their sentences with auxiliary verbs and write in the passive voice. That makes their documents very boring, slow, and hard to read and understand. Here are the auxiliary verbs. (be, being, been, am, is, are, was, were, have, has, had, do, does, did, can, may, might, must, shall, would, should, could, and will.) Avoid them at all costs.


Here is passive voice: I am traveling to London tomorrow.

Here is active voice: I travel to London tomorrow.


The active voice gives your copy excitement, movement, and pace. Auxiliary verbs slow it down and make it wordy and dull.


5. Make It About Them!

Dating experts say that if you think you talked about yourself too much on the first date, you probably did, and you bored your potential soul mate to death. It’s the same in an email. You are courting the reader.


Make it about them NOT what you are selling. Does this sound crazy? No!


People buy a product to solve a problem they have. If you focus on how solving that problem eliminates their pain point and how that improves their lives, then they will find your product interesting. You don’t have to explain the details of the super complicated technology. Just demonstrate that it works, and that it solves the problem and promise how life gets better with that problem solved.


If you incorporate these 5 e-mail copywriting tips, you should see a significant increase in your email response rates – click throughs and conversions and hopefully, your sales revenues and your copywriting or ecommerce income.


(Please let me know what you think of these tips and if you think they are helpful. Also, I want to know what you would like to learn from Michael Dugan and the Team. Please email me at:


Direct Response “Yell & Sell” Vs. Branding